Monday, February 22, 2010


The former tobacco frontman who denounced his employers for their underhand marketing techniques, is to speak to delegates at The International Coalition Against Prohibiton.

David Goerlitz, the face of Winston cigarettes for seven years, turned against his employers, RJ Reynolds, and moved over to the anti-smoking cause because of Big Tobacco's underhand marketing techniques aimed at children. However, he becamse disolutioned with the puritans when he realised America's anti-smoking cause had become "criminal, corrupt, and a hoax."

"The movement has sold out to Big Government, Big Tobacco, and Big Pharmaceuticals for the sake of long term funding by smokers and tobacco users themselves," he said.

Goerlitz joins other speakers at The International Coalition Against Prohibition's second world conference, including Dr. Kamal Chaouachi, a Paris-based tobacco researcher and consultant. He works from a medical anthropology perspective and is a scientific collaborator of various research centers in Asia, Africa and Europe. He also teaches the hookah (shisha, narghile) science, to French medical doctors. Recently, he exposed the fraud about the purported deadly hazards of hookah passive smoke.

The conference theme asks : Are Guests Welcome? and discusses Prohibition and the Hospitality Industry. It will be held at Nieuwspoort Press Centre in The Hague on March the 15th, 2010. Under discussion will be scientific fraud, denormalisation, smoking bans and food regulation and their impact on the trade

"The politics of prohibition comes at the expense of many citizens' rights and it sets a very dangerous precedent, along with causing immediate and devastating economic repercussions, especially for the hospitality sector," a TICAP spokesman said.

"TICAP consists of more than 25 organizations from all over the world who
share the conviction that prohibitions are a threat to democracy and a
free society. Once an individual's right to choose is eliminated, special
interests are enriched and state intrusion is tremendously augmented.

"With this conference, TICAP intends to lay the foundations of an active,
world-wide opposition to the expansion of a political trend that uses
questionable science and public health institutions as vehicles to control