Freedom and justice died in the UK today as pub landlord Nick Hogan was jailed for six momths for allowing people to smoke in his own property.
Nick used to have two pubs. One was smoking and the other was non-smoking. When Britain was free, people chose which pub they wanted to use. Then NuLabour ideology, inspired by the liars and crooks at fake charity ASH, stuck the jackboot in and decided that we would all love the anti-smoking laws whether we wanted to or not!
Hewitt, Merron, Brown, Blair - all of you who criminalised decent businessmen like Nick and decent law abiding citizens who like smoking, should hang your heads in shame. How dare you claim to care for human rights, you damn hypocrites!
Nick couldn't throw two people out of his pub who smoked after the ban came in, and he felt strongly that it was his property and he should decide who enters and how thet behave on his premises. He said if he had allowed those old people to sniff cocaine at the pub table, he would not have been prosecuted.
ASH and Merron claim the smoking ban is not killing pubs. Yes it is. The traditional, community type of pubs where smokers used to go are dying. Owner pub landlords of smoker pubs are being harrassed, fined, imprisoned, and when they can't take any more and go bankrupt, then the state moves in, and opens the way for the big, exploitative Pubcos to move in, who then culturally change smokers' pubs for non-smokers' pubs. Smokers are excluded, discriminated against, and this Govt encourages it.
This govt is despicable and so is anyone who supports its communist methods of control. Shame on all of you!
Who will lend their support to a protest to serve time with Nick? We need people willing to work in shifts so that there is a constant presence outside of his jail until he is freed. His jailing is the biggest infringment of human rights in the UK since woman were jailed for wanting to vote.