I've been very out of touch while my head has been buried in a fiction world and so today I caught up on some of my favourite blogs.
Smoking Hot seems to have a found an unusual way of celebrating his birthday on September 11.
I decided to read the Quran when war broke out to see what all the fuss was about. I didn't get far into it when I realised that actually it wasn't that different to the Bible in that it has the same characters in the Old Testament but a different perspective about them. I must admit that in my lifetime I've read about as much of both - a few chapters before getting bored.
Personally I'm with the blokie I heard about who rolled spliffs using pages from both the Bible and the Quran and I'll bear that in mind next time I'm short on fag papers.
Meanwhile, I'm checking out the Pagan religion. According to WikiAnswers if Pagans had a holy book, it could be considered to be Nature itself and I'm all for that as long as it doesn't involve taking us back to live in caves which is where the loony Green Party would have us live.
Paganism is also Britain's original faith and it was only perverted and maligned because Christians wanted to covert those they saw as savages and suddenly it became like the devil incarnate.
I'm sure the lies and propaganda of those ancient times against Paganism is much the same methods as they use today against Smokers and humans as the cause of climate change - and they have the cheek to claim anti-smoking and green hysteria is progressive (ha ha haa ha ha haaa ha).