I'm chuffed to bits at making it into the top 50 Total Politics Awards list at No 27. It's the first time Tea and Cigarettes has ever been in.
I'm especially delighted because I beat distinguished main stream Channel Four journos Jon Snow and Cathy Newman. Thanks to everyone who voted for this blog. I am over the moon.
When and if I get a badge to mark this achievement I'll post it up with much pride.
Meanwhile, congratulations must also go to Leg Iron who came in at number 3, Frank Davis at No 17, Capt Ranty at No 18 and Simon Clark who came in at No 20.
Gutted that I can't see Dick Puddlecote on the list but I'm guessing that his blog will come up in the top five of either Right Wing Blogs or Libertarian Blogs.
I expect we'll have to wait until all the results are in and counted.