Monday, December 14, 2009


According to this article there is no-one in Cabinet to speak up for smokers now we are to be aggressively persecuted with yet another anti-smoking campaign aimed at stopping us smoking at home and in cars - using chiiildren as the excuse, of course.
The writer didn't say that there are, in fact, lots of people and organsations who do fight the smoker's corner and I salute them all and every single one of you who writes, blogs, debates on forums, or just stands outside in the cold and spreads the word.
I'd particularly like to mention F2C, Forces, Forest, and The Democracy Institute, Rich White and Chris Snowdon, and many individual fighters of liberty who work every single day in their own time, using their own money, and their own expertise to bring common sense, truth, and justice to the debate. The only thing they lack is a listening ear.
Neither the govt nor the shadow cabinet wants to hear of the smokers' plight because they are cowards and sanctimonious snobs. It seems the media is not listening either. Why didn't the writer of this piece even bother to get a balancing quote?
According to Dick Puddlecote , they are using "charity" money to pitch our kids against us and scare them to death, no doubt, with a campaign aimed at getting them to bully us to quit.
Their vile hatred and muck spreading is separating families. It's time for the Govt to butt out of our lives and to take it's vicious propaganda with it.