Meanwhile, I learned this week that Mr Eugenides has given up blogging and he gives his reasons :
Partly this is due to busy-ness in the real world, but that's only half the story. The other half is a noticeable dropping off in my levels of rage since the prime raison d'etre for that fury were ejected from office in May. I share the scepticism of some readers towards many aspects of the new government's platform, and worry that their reforms will be too timid, their policies wrong-headed, their instincts far from libertarian. I worry, in short, that they will disappoint us, as I know you do too.
But what I don't have now is that same hate. The last administration filled me with disgust; the mere sight on my telly of a Charles Clarke, a John Reid, a - God forgive me for even typing the words! - Patricia Hewitt, sent me flying into almost uncontrollable loathing. And without fury, without rage, without spite, this blog is nothing, really - or at least, not what it was - because the way it's written, it is set up for polemic, not placid discussion.
It seems rage has diminished a lot since the last election. I remain in perpetuated anger until some kind of fairness comes to the smoking issue and I expect I'll continue blogging at least until then.
Meanwhile, I like millions of others and not least those small business men and women who have lost their livelihoods because of NuLabour's ideology on tobacco control, continue to mourn the demise of the great British pub.
The Regulars from Grant Hodgeon on Vimeo.