Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Obviously I welcome this move by MP David Nuttall to try and get an amendment to help struggling pubs that are dying because of the smoking ban and my fingers are very firmly crossed that someone will listen and actually take the common sense approach.

His 10 minute rule goes before the House of Commons tomorrow. I don't want to be negative but it appears the anti-smoking bigots are already getting the guns out to drown out the noise of anyone speaking up for us.

As one who does like pubs, but enjoys cafes and restaurants more, I wonder if anyone at all cares to bring back the choice there as we never hear of amendments coming that way. I'm still mourning the loss of my favourite Italian Restaurant that went a few months after the ban was imposed.

I think that now after three and a half years of social exclusion, it will be an uphill struggle and the coagulation Govt has not shown itself too willing to be fair about this. They are the same kind of fart sniffers as those who steal tax payers money to feather their own nests. They claim to care about people.They care only for profit.

I also worry that as much as MPs might want to suport David Nuttall, CaMoron and Cleggy won't be able to oblige because they are slaves to the EU and the commissioner has recently announced a move to ban smoking across the whole of Europe. Yes. The commissioner that we can't vote for but who dictates to us because that Scottish prick Gordon Brown gave Britain away with the Lisbon Treaty.

I could be wrong. I often am. Let's wait and see. Tomorrow, after Mr Nuttall's address to Parliament, we could see the first day back towards freedom and inclusion for our minority group so maligned and slandered by those with so much to gain financially from the misery they continue to impose.

And in David Nuttall's own words on his blog which is worth a read and comment of encouragement.