Thursday, August 6, 2009


Lots of people have been debating the issue of why people are turning away from NuLab in their droves on a local councillor's blog. He mentioned five good reasons but failed to mention the smoking ban.

It was pointed out to him that as 15 million people in the UK smoke, then it stands to reason a lot of them are miffed for having their social lives taken away. I know I am and I know there are a lot more like me all over the country because I have spoken to them.

After hearing facts and figures and reasonable arguments, Cllr Tim was not impressed and dismissed the idea because he said the smoking ban hadn't been mentioned as an issue at any door he has knocked on during the last 10 years. He didn't mention, specifically, if he had done any door knocking in the last two years.

Needless to say, Cllr Tim's ego was fluffed by what I assume to be one of his regular contributors who told him to ignore the smokers (and aren't we used to that by now!) because, he said, it looked like the blog had been invaded by libertarians. Ignoring the general public is what I have come to expect from this lot!

I did leave a comment which said insular, dismissive, and patroning - perhaps reasons 7,8,9 why people are turning away from Labour - Cllr Tim's 1-5 is spot on and 6 is the smoking ban.

Cllr Tim's blog is moderated. My comment, left a couple of days ago, hasn't appeared yet and I'm beginning to suspect he has closed down the debate. Perhaps reason 10 why people are turning against Labour - they can't debate. They can only control, order, and dictate. It's great to know we live in such a healthy democracy.