Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I think if Gillian Merron wants to be re-elected as the MP for Lincoln, the Public Health minister really should stop her sanctimonious pontificating about people's lifestyles.

My eyes rolled when I read this piece http://www.thisislincolnshire.co.uk/news/City-MP-warns-booze-link-sleep-problems/article-1271146-detail/article.html in the Lincolnshire Echo.

We've seen and heard it all before, Ms Merron, back in the days when the righteous from the Church of the Smoke-Free began to lie about the effects of SHS etc and conned you and your friends in Parlt into thinking that the whole country was with you. What was it that Deborah Arnott from ASH boasted about in pulling that "confidence trick"....?

We all know your job depends on putting out this kind of crap but if you really want to be re-elected as the MP for this honourable city, then you really should put a sock in it, leave petty issues alone and get on with sorting out real problems and stop picking on people who work hard for their living, pay too much in taxes, and just want to unwind at the end of a hard day's graft with a pint and fag in the pub without having to listen to puritans like you.

In other words, get a life, and leave other people to get on with theirs!