Friday, August 28, 2009


I've been busy over the last few days alerting the local press to the Jolly Brewer's Smoking Festival in a bid to get some coverage and that is how I have learned about which way an amendment to the smoking ban is likely to go.

I was told by a radio reporter that according to those on the anti-smoking side of the issue, the only amendment on the cards is a further tightening up of the ban in public places.

Incredulous, I asked how on earth it could possibly get much tighter because it is a blanket public smoking ban currently affecting everywhere.

The reporter told me that he thinks one of the things will certainly be a ban in all hotels.

I hope this is a nasty and vile rumour - or just wishful thinking on the antis' part - but I can't help feeling that bigoted and prejudicial NuLab is probably thinking that way.

Is there any point in writing to your MP about your disgust if this is true so close to an election when NuLab is likely to be annihilated and Blue Labour just doesn't give a damn.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you care about choice, vote UKIP! It makes logical sense and it sends a very strong and clear message to the three main parties that the smoking issue matters - a lot!