Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Shocking, disgraceful, it shouldn't be allowed to happen!

What? I hear you ask.

Passive Obesity as a friend of mine is currently in hospital with a leg that is broken in two places because a fat person fell on him on New Year's Eve.

So, what can we do about this new public menace that could kill, cause serious illness, and harm others?

Well, let's use the example of the blanket smoking ban and exclude the overweight from "infecting" others with their obesity. Perhaps, separate rooms for the fat in pubs so they keep their danger to themselves, or maybe we should try introducing fat-free zones of 50 metres circumference around "normal" weight peolple.

Actually, I have a better idea. Why don't we just tolerate people for who they are and choose ourselves whether we want to be around such people or not!

Meanwhile, my friend, at the mercy of the NHS, is having his operation today - 5 days after the event because the hospital is on a festive go-slow and the required surgeons have been too busy enjoying their fat salaries to see to my friend's needs before the holiday ends.

I should add, however, that the less well paid skeleton staff on duty who have been looking after my friend during his hospital stay, and drip feeding him morphine for the pain, have been as nice as plum pudding.