Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Tony Blair said Labour would be judged on how it dealt with the poorest people in British society and it's record shows that it robbed them, and conned them in exactly the way it has conned everyone in this country so that Blair and his favourties could stuff their own pockets with money - tons of it.

This report on last night's Newsnight http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/8480636.stm on the redevelopment - or regeneration to use Blair's newspeak - in Salford and Ordsall, reveals that Labour robbed the poor to pay the rich. They stole the working classes houses, their heritage, their history, and gave them to the highest bidding developers, and then shoved decent hard working people into crap tenements, or new houses which they make them pay through the nose for.

This party has crapped on its core support. I hope these honourable working class people get ther revenge at the next election but it will be no good looking to the Tories or the illiberal demotwats to put things right. These two parties also have their own interests at heart.

The most gut-wrenchingly sickening thing about this report is the salesman's con given by none other than the cheating munchkin herself - Hazel Blears.

In short, Blair, you ripped us off, you excluded us, you priced us out of education, and if hanging is ever brought back to this country, the first on the gallows should be Bliar and all of his favourite ministers who lied for him, conned for him, sold us down the river for him, and sent our young men to die for him.

Despicable is the only response I have to this bunch of self-serving gobshites who betrayed us all.