Thursday, January 28, 2010


The anti-smoking law is proving to be a nice little earner for the Treasury with various fines and penalties imposed since it's introduction more than two years ago but this week saw the first in one Lincolnshire district.

A taxi firm owner in Sleaford and North Hykeham was fined for "letting" a woman smoke in his own office. The report in today's Lincolnshire Echo has a quote from yours truly who, I'm pleased to say, was asked for a response to this case by the reporter Philippa Stewart. I reckon it is still quite one-sided but at least there is, this time, a touch of balance.

I was also encouraged to see that I'm not the only one who feels that Lincoln deserves better than St Gillian of Merron as an MP - as you can read below from a cutting taken from the Echo's letter page. Not related to the piece, but I've also included the Echo's Quotes of the Day, which I felt were quite appropriate.

Further in the paper, not copied here, is a report on a smoker of 25 years who is quitting with the pharmaceutical aid Champix. I wonder if he knows of the major health risks asociated with that particular drug?