Thursday, March 18, 2010


Amsterdam Schipol Airport certainly knows how to treat smokers with dignity and respect. It has three smoking rooms similar to this one above. A veritable haven for those like myself who hate flying and get all worked up before boarding. A nice cigarette, with a warm cup of tea, is the absolute best thing there is for calming nerves.

The smoking room is sealed, and cleaned regularly. There is adequate ventilation which means no smoke fug to endure, and it was great to touch base with other angry and excluded smokers who were all keen to know about the anti-prohibition conference I had just attended.

This is such a small concession for the huge airport to make and it showed it values its smoking customers as much as its non-smoking customers. I can't think of any reason why other airports in the world, including the UK, could not provide similar resources for smokers. After all, isn't our money as good a anyone else's?