Tuesday, March 30, 2010


It was with some apprehension that I heard Simon Clark from Forest - the Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco - and the leader of the Save Our Pubs and Clubs amendthesmokingban.com campaign ,was due to meet the pubs minister John Healey to talk about the negative impact of the legislation on the hospitality industry.

Smokers and non-smokers poured out their hearts on Simon's blog in the vain hope that one of their so-called govt representatives would actually give a shit about what they thought.

However, true to form no arrogant Labour minister cares what the people think nor would one care to listen on this issue because they never have before. Labour is also happy to throw away the 12 million votes from smokers that it has ignored, dehumanised, discriminated against, and persecuted, especially during the last three years.

But Simon is a great bloke, a non-smoker, and he is one of the very few representatives we have. If Govt listens to anyone on our side then Simon is that person. He did have a meeting organised for today but the pubs minister decided to snub him - perhaps unike our nemesis ASH, Simon didn't go armed with pocket loads of cash for dodgy "research" that told the minister what he wanted to hear. He went instead with emotional heartfelt pleas from ordinary people just asking for their lives back. Not worth a fig to Labour, it would seem!

Labout treats its core support with utter contempt and that is why it has lost it. Vote Labour at your peril, whatever your issue, because if the Govt doesn't agree with you, it will marginalise you and exclude you. The Labour party doesn't deserve the respect of the people of Britain let alone the vote. It is time this self-serving excuse for a working man's friend was chased to the fringes where it belongs.

Now that Tony Bliar, the oil-loving, war mongering twerp who brought Britain to her knees and is responsible for the death of thousands of our young men, is back on the campaign trail just in time to remind people why they hate NuLabour so much - not that many had forgotten. Bliar's appearance just reminds the voter why they must not vote Labour ever again!
