Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I'm feeling a bit down in the dumps today. Perhaps it's the latest assault on smokers or maybe it's that I'm still dragged down from yesterday's inquests.

As far as smokers are concerned, I am in despair that the persecution doesn't stop. It's like a constant smack in the head delivered by righteous, self-interest idiots that have the power of Big Money and Big Govt backing them against the little man (or woman!).

It has taken the anti-smoking industry 40 years to get control on the grounds of a freedom harming someone else. Previous Governments haven't bought into that idea because banning things on the grounds that one doesn't personally like it, was seen as undemocratic and communist. There was, and still is, no evidence to back up the tripe the anti-smoking industry spouts but what changed was that left thinking lettuce munching health obessives got into Govt. Can we say without doubt that Patricia Hewitt - who promised exemptions to the blanket smoking ban but then pulled the rug from under everyone at the last minute - was not paid to do so by Big Pharma bearing in mind recent news ?

Now the antis have what they initially said they wanted - a public smoking ban so they didn't have to mix with smokers - they are pushing further and further. Where will it lead when you think of how these people depend on persecution of a minority group for their income. They will never stop. It matters not what new restrictions they get. It will continue. Their jobs, mortgages, holidays in the sun, etc, thrive on it.

In future they will not be the educators we asked for 40 years ago to inform us and our children of the risks of smoking. They will be the enforcers who will be in jobs taking children away from smokers, denying smokers jobs, and guarding them in jails. Once they have smokers under complete control, they will move on to others - drinkers are obviously next, and watch out fatties - they're also heading your way soon!

My despair comes because most ordinary people don't see this as a freedom issue. They are not thinking where will it lead. Those smokers and non-smokers who are trying to fight honourably and courageously, are just not joined up in their thinking or their campaigning and so what hope? The antis know this. They are simply biding their time to finish us off.

See - my thinking today is thoroughly depressive but perhaps it was sitting in inquests yesterday that has put me in this mood. I just can't seem to shake them off despite being used to attending such events in 20 years as a journalist.

As soon as I was asked to go and cover the case of an 18 year-old who hung himself, I knew it wasn't going to be the jolliest of days. It appears he killed himself because of a girl. His mother found him. I can't begin to imagine what it must be like to live with that image for the rest of my life as I am sure she will.

The next case concerned a 59 year old man who died from asbestos cancer which had invaded both lungs and his chest. Ironically, he was working to rewire a hospital in the late 60s and early 70s and that's where the damage began. He inhaled the asbestos dust from sheeting and lagging he ripped out to get at heating pipes.

Just as depressing was the case of a 41 year old man who killed himself with his car exhaust fumes. There seemed to be no reason why he would want to take his life. Doctors' reports were read out in all cases. This one spoke of how the man was rarely seen but had recently visited the surgery for smoking cessation. Frustratingly, the doctor did not mention whether the man was given a drug like Champix to help him in his quit efforts. Many of us know too well what the side effects are of that monster and other anti-smoking drugs. I don't think the coroner or the health professionals involved would even have considered it.