Thursday, April 15, 2010


I was asked to appear with the three main candidates in what I thought was a hustings event in Woodhall Spa by Lincolnshire local BBC TV news programme Look North.

I was looking forward to getting my teeth into my first debate with real politicians but when I arrived at Moreton's Service Station on the B1191, I found that there was a candidate from the Lincolnshire Independents, Lincolnshire First party and the Labour blokie Patrick Mountain. We were to discuss "transport."

However, as the three of us stood by the chilly roadside, waiting for the cameras to roll, and I tried to rehearse in my head all of the great UKIP policies on transport , I was rather put off by Patrick loosening his voice with a scale of notes.

BBC interveiwer Tim Iredale looked at him surprised and Patrick piped up that he was "practising".

"It's what you do before going on air, isn't it?" he asked.

Iredale said : "Why, are you a thesbian?"

Pat Nurse (under her breath) : "Plenty of those in the Labour Party, I think."

Anyway, cameras began to roll and instead of discussing transport, it was one question : "What would UKIP do for the motorist in the face of rising fuel costs?"

I said the party intended to give a windfall tax rebate to the motorist. Iredale asked me where the money was coming from. It would be linked to the price of oil. I said that obviously the billions we waste by being a member of the EUSSR would also come in handy and UKIP is the only party willing to give the British people a say in whether they wanted this money in the Britain's pocket or Brussels. Only they can tell us whether they want in or out.

It seems I will get that chance for debate tommorrow morning on BBC Radio Lincolnshire. I am to debate all sorts of issues with all seven candidates including the three old parties, the BNP, the English Democrats and the LiLf party.