Monday, January 3, 2011


Don't think that just because THIS has happened in a far away land like Bhutan that it won't and can't happen here.

I have been saying for years that criminalisation of smokers is the ultimate aim of the anti-smoker movement. It may take a while before our country becomes as fanatical as Bhutan but my guess is that UK smokers of my generation will be facing prison or quit within the next 20 years. The elderly are easy to bully after all.

Even though smoking bans began to be enacted in far off parts of the world long before they came to Britain, I believed that this country's values of fair play and respect for freedom of choice, "different" lifestyles, and moderate views would never allow it. I didn't know that the philistines had invaded the British Parliament.

I was against the UK blanket smoking ban for so many reasons - not least because it meant state control of private premises such as pubs - but the main one being that it broke down the barrier to the next stage of tobacco eradication and smoker criminalisation.

Anyone who thinks that can't happen here is deluded. You only have to look at Nick Hogan to see it's already happened. Court lists across the country are beginning to see law abiding people's names on them for the heinous crime of dropping a biodegradable cigarette end. It will get worse over the years until simple possession of tobacco is a crime.

The imprisoning of law abiding tobacco consumers comes to the Bhutan under the guise of this "Democracy" as one commenter points out but admits that fear of imprisonment is a strong motivator in quitting for good.

Democracy comes to Bhutan and instead of freedom we find that there are thousand rules to abide by. Bhutan is a country of many bans. I believe tobacco consumption etc should be left to individual’s choice, after all who doesn’t know its adverse effect on health.
However, just like there’s two sides to a coin, I’m glad the bill’s been passed, for my own selfish reason; I always wanted to quit but couldn’t do so. I hope I’d be able to do now for the fear of imprisonment.

I fear for the world the puritans are creating at any price. How far down this road will our stupid politicians take us?

HT - The Devil's In The Detail