Wednesday, March 31, 2010


This election is likely to be one of the most close run we've ever had. Odds are on for a hung parliament. Some voters are changing allegience because they are angry at MPs expenses, others because of the sense of oppression they feel under the weight of NuLab's new laws, others just hate the party's policies and feel stabbed in the back. Some, however, will be registering a protest vote.

The "other" parties are very likely to do well out of this. As a former Labour supporter, I have now aligned myself with UKIP because it is very much about common sense at a time when I am very angry. Labour has done nothing right in my eyes in 13 years. I feel conned.

Other Labour voters are turning to the BNP. This party is a real and present threat to the stability of the UK. People refer to the party as right wing when it is, actually, more socialist than Stalin. The BNP cannot be ignored and if voters are thinking of playing with fire, THIS analysis of the party's policies by the Angry Teen blogger should make them think twice.

The BNP vote is a dangerous protest vote. The party will never get enough support in this election to make a difference and, as voters, we need to make a difference if we want true freedom back to control our own lives and shape our own future.

The Angry Teen also does a grand job of analysing The Green Party which he says would ruin what's left of the economy and drag us further into the financial mire with "unsustainable" ideas.

UKIP is the largest of all the "others" and will field enough candidates in the election to win if the voter gives the party it's support.

* H/T Anna Racoon who featured the link on her Saturday Posts Worth Reading spot.