Sunday, July 19, 2009


I'm still fuming following a spat with the recently announced young Conservative PCC for Mansfield Fraser McFarland. I commented on his Facebook post at this news and simply said Save Our Pubs and Clubs
He replied and pointed me to the Conservatives own campaign to save the pubs which didn't, of course, mention the smoking ban.
Needless to say, it sparked a debate which ended when McFarland told me that smokers didn't matter because they are in the minority. Even more insulting, he told me to look at the root cause of my addiction and think about the impact on my family. Patronising little dick!
Those of us without the health propaganda blinkers on, and who have researched the issue and not just swallowed what we've been told, will understand my frustration at the above comment - especially as a smoker of 42 years. McFarland is just 19. I've smoked for more than twice the amount of time he's lived. Is this really the best - blinkered, naieve, politically correct and dismissive - the Conservatives can offer us to vote for in the next election?

This link shows McFarland is used to getting into spats without thinking - and he dared to call me naieve - Hrmph!