I managed to catch up with Emma Chapman, the landlady of the Jolly Brewer, yesterday following the hugely successful Smoker's Festival and a very interesting chat it was.
Emma tells me that the pub has been buzzing since the event because for the first time since this draconian anti-social smoking ban was enforced, the customers have realised that they can make a difference and they can do something about it.
"At first they showed little interest because they thought it was done deal and who would care to listen to what they had to say," she said.
"But when they saw that they could put their name on the SOPAC amendthesmokingban.com registration forms, and to learn of F2C and the grass roots support it enjoys, they are keen to get further involved in the campaign in whatever way they can."
Emma gave out free Forest T Shirts carrying messages such as Don't Walk, Don't Smoke, Don't Drink, Don't Think in return for a signature showing their support and on condition that they knew what the message meant and they had thought about it before wearing the T shirt. Many did and are still wearing the T shirts - no doubt having to explain to non-pub customers they come across in their daily lives what the messages mean.
She is also relieved because she says her thriving packed pub, full of atmosphere, began to die immediately after the ban. The income raised at the festival will ensure that she can survive yet another lean winter.
Emma hopes that pro-choice groups will again be involved in next year's festival - which we can only hope will be a celebration of the end of the draconian restrictions. Meanwhile, she plans to take all of the campaign literature to another Lincolnshire music festival with the traveling side of her pub to spread the pro-choice message further.
If anyone would like to approach their local landlord with the idea of holding a festival tailored to suit the pub's needs, then get in touch and let's see if we can contact more isolated smokers and spread the news that getting involved really can make a difference.