People from all walks of life and cultures gathered together at the UKIP conference in Southport where for once they were united in feeling proud to be British and hopeful that this great nation can be saved from the clutches of the politically correct, the health obsessed, and the economically suicidal grip of the three main parties.
Leaping Lords, old colonialists, Thatcherite businessmen, old working classes, teachers, housewives, the unemployed, self-employed, and the underclass sat side by side in agreement that something radical needs to be done to save this once great nation from itself.
A desperate need for some kind of hope and real change is what united these people. They want their country back from the loony lefties who are too scared to say boo to a goose.
They want some kind of unassuming political and social revolution in the British way and they know they will only get it from UKIP - a party that is growing from the grass-roots bottom up. As the party will put up enough candidates to win the next general election, the only thing that is lacking is ensuring that the message gets through that the British people can take control of their lives if they are prepared to be brave, abandon their allegiance to their traditional parties in the same way that those parties have abandoned them.
From the radical anti-EU roots of James Goldsmith’s Referendum party, through the self-obsessed fiasco of Kilroy-Silk, UKIP has evolved to become the non-PC, non-racist, non-patronising party of the people which is uniting those from different cultural and social backgrounds who believe Britain and its people deserve respect.
Rapturous rounds of applause followed speakers who laid out their ideas of what the party should be tackling in areas of crime, health, social justice, education and immigration. All agree with it’s fundamental ideology of being in love with Europe but not the psychopathic control of nameless, faceless bureaucrats in the EU - that place that denies the British people any control over their own democratic future.
There is much more to UKIP than the desire to leave the EU while maintaining trading and friendship links with our European friends and neighbours who, in truth, also want their countries back.
Its policies are robust but libertarian and peppered with a healthy amount of deference for those who really matter in this country - the people of whatever colour or creed who aim to live in the British way.
There was hardly a dry eye in the house, and many spoke of shivers down the spine, as this hugely successful conference ended with flag waving and patriotic songs.
As someone of mixed race, this didn’t make me feel uncomfortable, it made me feel proud to be British, to be brought up here, to have been privileged enough to grow up in a country that was once renowned across the world for it’s stance on tolerance, fair play, justice and equality - values we are losing rapidly.
There was nothing said at conference that I couldn’t agree with and it was very moving to witness all of those people reaching out and embracing a party that really can make a difference with their support.
It has nothing to lose and everything to gain so UKIP can be brave and it can be honest and it does have a chance of winning many seats next May. It has people who are willing to walk their feet off because they truly believe it is the only way they can save their country and themselves. The next election will truly be a battle for Britain's soul.
We need to protect the British way of life and its landscape for future generations of our children … whatever colour, race or creed… because respect , tolerance and even admiration for other cultures is essentially the British way - it is what makes us British.
Divided long enough - this is a party that can unite the people who want to do so much to bring back freedom and democracy.
The three main parties are finished. They have had their day. They can offer nothing - not hope, not a future, not freedom, and not democracy. They are cowards who have taken advantage of the British good nature while the British people slumbered. They should be warned. The UKIP conference has awoken the sleeping lion and the revolution has begun.