If it's true that Prime Minister Gordon Brown has mental health problems and he is taking very strong anti-depressants, then my first question has to be why on earth is the press largely silent about it?
It's not as if it's not a matter of vital public interest that we know whether our lord and master is fit to run the country or not and whether his legal drug taking is affecting his judgement.
Meanwhile I have a bit of advice for Gordon - stop taking the drugs and have a drink and a smoke instead. It's much better for you and not nearly as addictive as the crap pushed by Big Pharma.
If you want to read more about the PM's alleged illness, see Iain Dale here : http://iaindale.blogspot.com/2009/09/if-brown-is-ill-he-deserves-our.html
and, incidentally, Iain, I would say that he only deserves our sympathy if he does the decent thing, resigns, calls an election, and allows the country to get back on its feet. Until then, he is a liability, especially because of his illness.