Monday, September 28, 2009


Following my complaint about the latest anti-smoking video here : I have now received a response from the Birmingham PCT which made it.

There is no point in relating the response from the PCT because it is standard and obviously sent out en masse. You can read it here on the F2C blog :

I have replied to Ms Brookes from the communications (spin) department asking how I now take my complaint to the next stage in the process because I am unhappy with her answer as you can read below:

Dear Ms Brooks,
Thank you for your reply to my complaint. However, I still find it hard to accept your reasoning for this particular video and you have not allayed my concerns that it could incite people to violence against smokers. Therefore I will be proceeding with my complaint to the ASA in the hope that it will be removed before it leads to the death of any smoker by physical violence encouraged by your video.
I think the violence used in this particular way is unjustified for a life span of six extra years and the bullying is unjustified because I do know that there are hardened smokers, such as myself, who do not want to quit. Threatening them with such violence is unlikely to change their minds. I believe you could have produced a hard hitting message without resorting to this kind of threat.
I repeat that as a life long smoker, I am acutely aware of the dangers of smoking, but I can confirm that smoking does not physically do to the body as your violent hate propaganda film would have us believe.
My complaint still stands. Can you please advise me of the next stage of the complaints procedure and who I should now register my concerns with as you have not resolved the issue I raised.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs P Nurse.