Friday, September 25, 2009


It's great to see that UKIP have won another huge victory in the heart of England which gives me hope that we might yet see a change in voting when the general election is held in six months' time.

The UKIP website is reporting an overwhelming win in the Billericay Town Council.

UKIP Councillor Susan McCaffery won 57% of the vote - more than the total of the other candidates combined.

This comes on a day when I bumped into an old friend who I hadn't seen for a couple of years. I'd told her that I was standing as a UKIP PPC and a local councillor but I didn't really expect to win the seat, not in Tory Louth or Labourite Lincoln. I was amazed because this friend, who used to be about as political as Sooty and Sweep, was more than a little interested.

"Don't be so sure," she said. "I'm certainly voting UKIP next time. I'm fed up with the tossers from the three main parties and I'm sick of the EU. If this treaty thingy goes through, then there will be no point in us paying for the prats in our parliament because all of our laws will be made by that lot in Brussels."

I wondered what made this non-political kitten into a raging UKIP party supporting tiger.

"Mostly because I can't get a job because I'm competing with cheaper foreign labour. UKIP will end immigration ... and then there is the smoking ban which is killing the pubs and British culture along with them," she explained.

The politicians used to crow that they wished us plebs would get more politically interested. Perhaps they have now got more than they bargained for as the British people finally begin to fight back and say through the ballot box that enough is enough!