Monday, September 28, 2009


I said in my blog post here : that I welcomed F2C Scotland's attempt to get the Scottish Parliament to debate a petition on the rigged consultation calling for the mentally ill to be deprived choice on smoking but I also believed the Scots' mind was made up and they wouldn't even entertain it.

I am very sad to say that I have been proved right. You can read about the response here on the F2C news site. :

Disgusting but what I expected. There is no point in trying to talk to Scottish politicians or any other main stream politician. There is ONLY one thing the British can do to get their lives back, vote for a party that values individual freedom and choice.... and the ONLY party that doesn't repeat the same old, same old, smoking twaddle is UKIP.

A vote out of office will soon let all the political lifestyle bigots know that we have had enough! Maybe then, when the next election comes around, they might actually listen to our concerns and not just dismiss us as if we don't exist.