Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Perhaps daytime TV viewers can enlighten me further on a story I heard today from the brain dead numb skulls that put my gender to shame - Loose Women.

I'm told that this morning, one of the presenters was trying to incite hatred against lifestyle groups after the finger wagging antis came up with yet another stupid idea to get people to stop smoking and eat healthily. Pay 'em with taxpayers' money.

One of these women reportedly said that "smokers should be lined up against the wall and shot because they are killing themselves anyway." Whoever it was should be reported to the Broadcasters Standard Agency. It's disgusting that main stream TV companies can incite such violence against a minority group!

It looks like those bigots on the programme have outed one of their members and then shamed her into quitting. I feel sorry for her. They have just forced her into a 60% greater chance of getting lung cancer

If it is true that the presenter of that awful show did say this, then she deserves to go into Dick Puddlecote's Bigot Bin . Sorry I can't find a direct link to it. I know DP is currently compiling a list of all those anti-smoker comments urging death and murder to their fellow human beings.

To my friends, family and colleagues I say, if it truly came to lining up smokers and shooting them, would you stop them? Would you still stay silent because you despise the smell of smoke and believe the worst of what is told to you about smoking?

I know we are not Jews. I know smokers are thought of as lesser people and we have no right to claim to be a group. I know that what happened in Nazi Germany was one of the worst ever human atrocities - but it still happened to people whatever their tag because inhumane and bigoted people didn't like them - the look of them, the smell of them, their habits religious or otherwise, their lifestyles.

Somewhere at the beginning of that tragedy, which is such a relatively short time ago, was a Loose Women type person saying that Jews could choose not to be Jews and killing them was probably doing them a favour anyway.

Have we learned nothing? Why is the state encouraging this bigotry? I truly despair.

And this is worth a look. H/T Timbone