Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Could things be finally turning in the favour of common sense and fair play?

Pete Robinson over at The Publican says :

'With ASH withering on the vine, the LibDems are the only hurdle to overcome before sanity is restored."

I don't think we will have to suffer these ilLiberal Demotwats much longer as it happens. Cleggy is riding on a wave of self-important egotism and he is blind to the fact that the Tories are giving him enough rope to hang himself and his party before the next election.

It's issue on the stance of Freedom of Choice, Cleggy's clanger of mentioning a hugely popular amendment to the smoking ban in the same breath as the death penalty, and the Party's false promises on the scam that is the "Freeeeedom Bill" will ensure that they will take massive strides backwards and become as unelectable as Nulabour unless they stop dismissing the feelings of 25% of this country.

They just don't get it although coun Carl Minns does. He shows that there are very rare nuggets of common sense and decency among the ilLiberal ranks. It's a shame there are so few tolerant and fair members in that party. It could have offered real hope to so many who are looking for someone and something to believe in.

Cleggy sold the party's soul for five years playing mummies and daddies with Cameron in no 10. My own opinion is that he will live to regret it.