Wednesday, September 22, 2010


It seems smoking is a dirty word these days so playing the antis at their own game by changing language seems a fair method of getting some balance back into society and a bit of freedom for those currently oppressed by Nanny Britain.

Yes, I'm all for Freedom Rooms. It sounds a great idea.

They should have a big sign outside saying "it is against the law to invade this space with the stench of anti-smoker righteousness" but that may not happen as it appears anti-smokers are too dumb and mentally incapable of avoiding places where smokers go.

I'd like it all in my Freedom Room, please. A cup of tea and a smoke, a Lincolnshire sausage bap if one's going, live music and a juke box, food because it tastes so much better when a meal is finished off with a fag, and ventilation so that we can have it all. A safe, fun place to socialise with our own kind.

The antis can stick their dark and gloomy BO, perfume, gum, beer, and dusty stinky hell holes where the sun won't shine. They can then be happy once again, moaning that they haven't got the whole world to themselves.

Meanwhile, download this poster and take it to your local landlord.

He or she will already know that Pubs Need Smokers because research tells us that smokers use pubs more than anti-smokers. After all, the puritans are terrified of anything that isn't organic, fair trade, or certified "safe" by Nanny so they really wouldn't miss out.

And while I'm on the subject of intolerance, it's great to see the Medway Hitler Youth have backed away from their obnoxious (sorry Obo)campaign aimed at inciting hatred and violence against smokers.