Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Lincoln City Council - oops - the authority prefers the pretentious title of City Of Lincoln Council these days - has turned down an offer of a share of £180 million to build new council houses because it hasn't got the "resources" to make a bid for the money.

I'm assuming it means it can't afford the staff to make the calls, do the research, and fill in the form.

Shame. Lincoln is desperate for social housing and probably more than these http://www.lincolnshire.nhs.uk/your-health/Health-Trainers/Local-Health-Trainers/ http://tmf.lincoln.gov.uk/servedoc.asp?filename=item_3___Health_Trainers.pdf staff who have been heaped upon the city because the money was given to the council by the PCT health quango. Common sense tells me that maybe these city health trainers could be moved over to do something far more useful with their time and ultimately our money but Govt bureaucracy wouldn't allow it.

I know for sure that if you talk to families on the poorest estates in Lincoln, they will say they would much prefer to have housing for those who desperately need it rather than making sure the homeless eat their five a day and don't smoke, of course.

Then again, if The City Of Lincoln Council is really struggling to provide the resources to make this much needed bid, then maybe these kids can help them out as they did before http://www.lincoln.gov.uk/news_det.asp?art_id=12909&sec_id=3175... or maybe you have to be a health zealot these days to get any Govt money.

St Gillian of Merron, Lincoln's sanctimonious MP, really should get out more as I suggested on a previous post. If she she did, she would actually find out that the people she is expecting to vote for her again would prefer an assurance that they will have homes in future, and not fruit, and they will have shops and businesses, and not a tobacco display ban when there is no evidence that this does anything other than persecute private business because of personal ideology and bigotry.

For the good of our City of Lincoln, she must go, health quangos must go, and we must start getting our priorities right or the council staff themselves must go. We do not pay taxes just to employ staff. We are supposed to pay for a service - where is it!