Friday, October 16, 2009


It appears that the Daily Mail is continuing to spread lies about smokers and I can only assume it is taking Adolf Hitler's advice that propaganda can be believed if you tell a lie so often, it becomes ingrained as truth.

Thank God, therefore, for people like Chris Snowdon who analyses the pile of rubbish in this shameful rag and other newspapers that are clearly jumping on the bandwaggon to keep up with the bigotry against a minority group.

UPDATE : It seems as if the Gay Community has rallied round after a piece appeared appeared in the Daily Mail which
they thought was homophobic. Within hours of word getting out through Facebook Statuses and Tweets, they have
managed to get the advertisers to pull their ads off the page that they find so offensive.

I just wish that after all of the support that minority groups like homosexuals have had from the general community that
they would now show some solidarity to the minority group of smokers. Despite the fact that the same newspaper has
lied through it's teeth on heart attack rates since the smoking ban, it is not challeneged by Gays, Ethnic minorities or
anyone else except smokers and it is legal, and fashionable, these days not to give a damn what they have to say.

Why can't these powerful "minorty" groups not empathise with smokers? It seems Orwell was a very perceptive man.
Not only did he predict the Totalitarian nightmare we are now living in, he also predicted that some people would be far
more equal than others.