Thursday, October 8, 2009


It is outrageous that people can be parachuted in to seek to represent a constituency when they know nothing about that constituency or its people.

The major political parties are breath taking in their arrogance and assumption that "they know best".

The Conservative Party in particular has a tendency to take the people of Lincolnshire for granted - they should not!

The Party structure, which relies on whips and blind obedience to the point of being idiotic, fundamentally undermines our democracy.

The career Conservative politicians who are being parachuted in to "safe seats" in Lincolnshire only represent their own and their parties interests - they do not represent the people of Lincolnshire .

We are just a means to an end.

Indeed, they hold us in complete contempt.

They know nothing about our schools, our hospitals, our roads. Why should they? They don't live here, we do.

As such, if we want our concerns to be heard in Parliament, there is no point in voting for them.

David Cameron's "Green" Conservatives do not understand why cars are essential in Lincolnshire .

Neither do the rest of his Trustafarians understand that the rest of us need to work for a living to take care of our families.

These people do not represent Lincolnshire , their world is that of the closeted privileged elite who frequent Nottinghill's trendy wine bars.

Why then should they assume that they have the right to represent the people of Lincolnshire in our nations parliament?

It is simply because they think they are better than us?

They are not.

Lincolnshire Independents - Lincolnshire First ! displaced both Labour and the Liberal Democrats to become the official opposition in the June County Council elections this year.

An affiliate, the Boston By-pass Group run Boston .

In recent years, Independents have made huge inroads into the District Councils as the public have become ever more disillusioned with the corruption and incompetence that pervades our political system.

Independents are becoming a powerful voice in Lincolnshire because we represent the people of Lincolnshire , and not a privileged London elite.

Too many politicians are in it purely for them selves, and have their snouts buried deep within the trough of expenses, benefits and privileges.

Things have to change - and they can change.

With LI-LF what we are building in Lincolnshire is a type of politics where people who live in the constituency, understand its people and its problems, represent that constituency honestly, and to the best of their ability.

They won't always get it right, but they will be doing an honest job.

More to the point, if you disagree with them, you can tell them so directly, because they live here - not in London .

In essence, our politics is local, and is based on people who serve you, and only you.

We do not believe that our democracy is enhanced by electing some career politician who will simply do his Master's bidding in London , and by sticking to the Party line to build a career will never rock the boat.

That kind of politician has no values, no principles, and is not committed to the people of Lincolnshire .

Lincolnshire Independents - Lincolnshire First ! will be looking to put up parliamentary candidates in next years General Election.

If you are interested in standing, please get in touch.

Mark. P. M. Horn, M.A., LLB(Hons), Dip. B.Admim. FSI(dip),

Barrister of the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn ,

Campaign Director