Thursday, October 22, 2009


Oh, I am so looking forward to tonight's Question Time. It will be history in the making as the country finally matures and accepts that free speech is important and proves it by allowing one of the most hated bigots in Britain today the chance to say his piece.

I understand that one of the guests will be Baroness Varzi - an Asian with a very sharp mind and tongue. Get out of that one, Griffin, if you can. I'm sure she will make mincemeat out of you!

I'd also suggest that readers absorb this piece in today's Independent before watching the show.
Despite my loathing of Griffin and the BMP's political stance and white supremacy ideology, I do have to say that I admire courage in any form and that man must be brave. I mean, who, exactly, would want to be the face of that party? Certainly not me. Whoever sits in that hot seat will always be the most hated man in Britain. There must be literally millions of people who would be proud to say they punched him on the nose or worse.