Friday, October 9, 2009


This is, apparently, in the current issue of Private Eye and was sent to me by Mark Horn from the Lincolnshire Independents and Lincolnshire First party.

I think the piece above tells you all you all you need to know about local politics. Shame he didn't ask me. I could recommend two good hotels in the centre of London from between £28 and £48 per night.

It would appear that it is not just those in Westminster who take the piss out of the tax payer.

UPDATE : 13/10/09 Tuesday.

I had a feeling that the above story was broken by my friend and colleague Richard Orange who has quite a few exposes of this sort of dirty business to his name. Richard was the one who revealed how former Lincolnshire County Council leader Jim Speechley ordered a new road to be built through a parcel of land he owned vastly increasing its value.

Back in those days, politicians who did wrong were brought to account and Speechley got jailed.

Keep up the good work, Richard. Brilliant stuff!