Thursday, July 22, 2010


I was going to write about the psychopathic (I,m told I have to make my opinion based on fact clear for those who are too stupid to distinguish between the two) ranters in the comments section of the Daily Mail but Dick Puddlecote describes it far better than I could.

While these idiots (opinion)who are so health obsessed (opinion) that they believe the crap on 3rd hand smoke (opinion) astounds me. (Fact.)

Meanwhile one of the orchestrators (fact) of the scam (fact) that is third hand smoke Shiela Duffy at ASH has started her own blog which doesn't welcome debate. (fact)

My guess (obviously opinion) is that she's scared (opinion) of debate in case the arguments used to encourage the above loons (opinion) soon begin to fall apart (Fact.)

I hope I've made myself clear.