Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Click here to vote in the Total Politics Best Blogs Poll 2010

I know which blogs will get my vote in the Total Politics Blog Awards and I'm informed this humble blog that rants mostly about the smoking ban will at least get one reader's vote somewhere in the ten that each person has to nominate.

My blog votes will go to - and not in any particular order - Dick Puddlecote, Taking Liberties, Old Holborn, Freedom 2 Choose, Anna Racoon, Underdogs Bite Upwards, Grumpy Old Twat, The Angry Teen, The Devil's Kitchen and Tea and Cigarettes - well, at least that's two votes, I'll get :)

I'm truly touched that anyone would think of nominating this blog because it hasn't really been nurtured this year and there are many rants I've suppressed due to prioritising study and paid work.

Once the deadline for hand in of my dissertation has gone at the end of August, then be sure there will be no shutting me up.

Send your top ten votes to