Monday, November 15, 2010


I see that biased publication the Guardian is spreading muck again.

We know that tobacco display bans have no effect on youth sales, they drive up black market sales, they ensure that tobacco ends up in the hands of far more children than legally controlled sales but this newspaper is so far up that creepy organsation ASH's arse a good organic fart wouldn't shift it.

Now the Coagulation Govt is actually doing something that makes perfect sense. It is basing it's next move on fact and not the hysterical whinings of self-interest pressure groups such as ASH. It's a shame the Guardian has come out guns-a-blazing on the side of the bigots. I would have expected better from a newspaper that is supposed to be "impartial" although it seems to have forgotten the true meaning of the word.

And this creep has absolutely no idea of what he's talking about :

John McClurey, a Lib Dem councillor in Gateshead who supports the point-of-sale ban, said he was concerned that many shopkeepers were buying the tobacco industry's arguments.

"So far, many small shopkeepers seem to have fallen for the industry spin," McClurey said. "Let's hope for our children's sake that the coalition is not so easily fooled."

He's bought the crap from ASH but then he is a Lib Dem and I find them to be the most naieve and stupid when it comes to swallowing shit spoon fed by prejuidicial fake charities.

When you are told, Mr McClurey, that "shopkeepers have fallen for indusrty spin", I am afraid you are missing the point. They've simply listened to their ordinary consumers. ASH et al will tell you that ordinary consumers ARE the tobacco industry. I say get out a bit more and actualy ask shoppers in these small shops what they think. You would be surprised at the answer.

I hope Jon McClurey gets voted out of office next time around. He is obviously an idiot who is incapable of independent thought and neither we nor Gateshead need such dangerous politicans who let themselves get voted in and then let anyone else but them make decisions about our future.

Check your facts and check the science. You will find neither agree with your prejudice about tobacco display bans.