Friday, November 12, 2010


From Smoking out The Truth

"I will successfully kill someone who
smokes. I encourage any non-smokers who are reading this to go out and
kick the shit out of smokers.”

Didn't they just find and fine someone for posting a joke on Twitter about bombing an airport?

And yet they encourage the sort of people above to commit hate crime by inciting violence against smokers.

It's about hate not health.

I did have plenty to say about the Muslim group that showed such disrespect on Armistice Day but I'll keep the rant short as I'm struggling with a cold, it's Friday and I'm fooked.

The burning of the Poppy was done with no knowledge or sympathy for our culture at this time of year.

If we insulted Islamic traditions we would be thrown in jail as racists. I believe in free speech and I do actually understand the anger of these Islamic young men because of the loss of innocents in their country. But they should have stood with us on Remembrance Day. They should have directed their anger at those who deserve it not at the young men and women who do their duty when called upon for low wages and little respect.

Anger directed at our troops, who would fight for their freedom too if called upon, is misplaced. Had the Muslims Against Crusaders directed that anger at the British war criminal Blair and his hench men and women who took our country into an illegal war, we would have given them more support.

Their behaviour only showed them up to be religious zealots and thugs who quite frankly should be deported.

Why does this spineless Govt fail to act against hate crime when it's directed at us as a nation or as individuals?

I think it's time this country started to get it's priorities right.