Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Now healthists have smokers under control they are swiftly moving on to the next target for profit and general propaganda using the same formula.

It took them 40 years of Big Pharma funding to make the lie of SHS a "fact" and then hype up it's dangers year on year to the point where there is now an hysterical fear of smokers and smoking.

They had to make other people believe that smokers could harm them before Government would take them seriously. They are now using the same format on fat people who they've only recently started to persecute.

Apparently :

"It looks like obesity is becoming more infectious," said Alison Hill, a graduate student at the Harvard-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Division of Health Sciences and Technology.

What next? Banning anyone over a certain size from entering public places in case we "catch" their fatness? Do they really think we are that stupid?

How the lifestyle of this man doesn't make him 48 stone is beyond me. He's doing everything the healthists say will give you the obesity you could pass on to someone else.

At least people are getting wise to the manipulative political methods of self interest groups, fake charities and the Pharma Industry in exaggerating the threat of "passive obesity."

Meanwhile for smokers the insults continue in the name of everybody's else's good health. ASH is now promoting them almost daily in news releases as child abusers using the usual tactic of telling a lie often enough that it becomes the truth.

This kind of approach is motivated by hatred with no scientific grounds to justify what is a disproportionate "threat".

Hot on the heels of accusing decent, law abiding, considerate and caring parents past and present in the most despicable terms, the anti-smoking industry now has to show how much of a financial burden they are on everybody.

Of course all of this is part of the "Denormalisation" plan to promote :

Smokers as malodourous
Smokers as litterers
Smokers as unattractive and undesirable housemates
Smokers as undereducated and a social underclass
Smokers as excessive users of public health services
Smokers as employer liabilities

But they are looking for even worse language in the hate campaign.

I told them that to "reframe quitting as “breaking up” with a deceitful best friend " was patronising. I said they had to learn to live with lifelong smokers who would not quit and if they wanted to reach them, they should stop the propaganda.

I said their language offended. They short listed a comment about cigarettes as "a deceitful best friend" to the top six of a voting poll to find new insults to use.

Failure to engage with smokers is proof in my opinion that they don't want to work with smokers but against them by promoting language that promotes smokers as weak and all the rest.

Smokers - I feel sorry for you, Fatties - I feel sorry for you too. Fat Smokers, it looks like you are public enemy No 1 but I am on your side.