Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This is a classic example of EU democracy in action.

Note how Godfrey Bloom, the elected representative of the voter in Yorkshire, who wants him to speak up on their behalf, is escorted out by security because the EU does not like what he says.

The EU cares not about the people of Britain or any other country but only the members who enforce its rules in their own countries. I don't know who the English MEP is that is turning on his own constituency. I only know he is a traitor. He should stand for his voters - not for the privileged few in that tax payer funded room.

Those in that chamber don't have to be reminded that they work for us because they don't. We slave for them and there is nothing we can do about it. That English MEP doesn't care as long as he keeps drawing his fat salary, I'll bet.

Insults abound from the President and his cronies that UKIP is fascist and yet when a UKIP MEP returns the insult, he is thrown out. Surely only those that voted him in can evict him?

To misquote George Orwell, it seems all pigs are equal but some are most definitely more equal than others.

It is as well that the EU Parliament is reminded of the past so it does not follow the same path under the guise of new ideas, or new ways of thinking.

History should not be allowed to repeat. It's such a shame that what has become the EUSSR is incapable of accepting such criticism.