Friday, November 5, 2010


No UK leader has ever been despised more than Tony Blair. He raised our hopes, he lied, he stabbed us in the back. He took our kids to an illegal war. He is responsible for the death of millions of innocents and the destruction of their homes and property.

He sold us out, stripped us of our pride and civil liberties, and then walked away and left that dictator Brown to finish the job of bringing us to our knees.

Having done the damage, Blair then walked away and turned his back on the country he once said he cared for "with every sinew" of his sweaty body. I felt like puking when he used that kind of clichéd hyperbole. Now he is making money off it with his memoirs.

There is a suggestion that Blair's new book is in the wrong section of the bookshop and should be moved to crime or treason. It seems to have caught on and the British are showing their hatred of this former leader and everything he stood for in a subtle and dignified way by simply moving books from one shelf to another.

Meanwhile one of the creeps he left behind in his NuParty has been having a bit of bother.

The news that Phil Woolas is the same kind of lying cheat as his former boss comes as no surprise. Nulabour must be the most corrupt party for almost 100 years.

The former champions of the disaffected, the broken, the beaten and the wretched, that three generations of my family supported, has been reduced to a gang of tyrants and thugs who are more concerned with the cut of their suits.

NuLabour hammered its core working class support to gain the votes in seats that mattered under an unfair voting system. It's leaders shamed us and dragged us into an economic mire to bribe sleepwalkers into keeping them in power for 13 long years.

The British sleeping lion is beginning to wake. His yawn will become a roar and I hope it's heard at the by election forced by Woolas's deception. The outcome and the first test of this new ConDem coalition will be fascinating to watch. I hope they get what they deserve for all their broken promises and shallow lies.

For me the only political answer to start putting some real passion into solving the country's problems is UKIP. Former supporters of the LibLabCon party are drifting over to UKIP as the only hope of gaining back some self respect and pride.

It's great to see that Nigel Farage made it back as UKIP leader and with such huge support from members of the party. He's a great orator and he carries the crowd with him. If anyone in the party can win a seat in Parliament, then it's Farage.

He seems a normal down to earth and decent sort of bloke and his presence would shake the foundations of that exclusive Parliament club.