Sunday, November 7, 2010


Was this test really done and if so what could have been it's purpose?

I saw a TV programme ages ago about the Zulus in the Boer War and the fact they were such a fearsome enemy because they never felt pain or fear.

Apparently, they were drugged up and it was because they were under the influence of hallucinogenics that they could continue fighting even when mortally injured.

Perhaps that's why the British Army tested the effects of LSD on troops. Maybe they wanted to see if the drug would create war machines instead of soldiers.

As the video shows, it had the opposite effect. The test revealed that if the world was on LSD, there would be no war.

Has anyone thought of slipping it into the watering holes in the Middle East?

H/T My son

* UPDATE : I just received this. Seems military history is not my area of expertise :)

The Zulu wars were in 1879 and the boer war was in 1900, the documentary you saw was about the battle of islandwana which was January 21st 1879. Involving the 24th foot and the Zulus. They believe that the Zulus had been taking drugs before the battle and many warriors said they felt invulnerable to the British martini Henry rifles.