Sunday, November 21, 2010


According to Chris Snowdon the NuGovt has shown itself to be as gullible as the last in backing moves to increase child smoking.

The government is currently planning to ask retailers to cover up their displays of cigarettes from next year to protect children. But now cigarette packets could also be made a standard colour like grey, rather than the existing bright colours.

In effectively announcing the tobacco display ban they have taken control of tobacco sales from the beleagured small shop owner and put them into the hands of criminals who won't check ID to see if their customers are under age.

But then that socially backward organisation ASH - which lies to achieve it's ideological aims - wants more children to start smoking to ensure that ASH can continue into the next generation and beyond.

The above video serves as a reminder that criminals all over the world will be celebrating this news and setting up business plans for when tobacco becomes illegal and smokers are criminalised.

I mean hiding things that are bad from you from shop displays immediately leads to lack of sales doesn't it? Just ask the millionaire black market drug dealers. They'll tell you that no one uses illegal drugs - not even the 12 year olds - because they don't see them on the shop shelves.

The most disturbing part of the news that NuTories/ConDems have taken this on shows just how thick our leaders are. I really expected them to have some intelligence. Perhaps I expected too much. But then when you are as anti-smoking as health persecutor Andrew Lansley, I'm afraid that intellect flies out of the window chased by pure and unadulterated hate.

Meanwhile, ASH demands that no-one is allowed to see a pack of cigarettes and yet happily advertises them on it's Flickr page Can this disgusting group get any more despicable and hypocritical?

Parents who don't want their children to smoke now have more to worry about. Not only will the black marketeers offer cigarettes to the under age but other products in their stash bag as well.

Oh my Govt, what have you done?

* - Regular readers may have noticed that I've removed the "defender of liberty" image of Philip Davies MP. Not one Tory will get space on my page until I see some kind of tolerance being shown towards smokers from the NuGovt. Philip is great in that he has said and done as much as his party will allow. Frankly he is in the wrong party and until he moves over to one that is more Libertarian, then there is no point in backing him. His masters are not listening to him either.

The same goes for Karl McCartney. I'm grateful that Karl - my MP - is not Gillian Merron and he did vote for choice in pubs, but unless he starts taking real moves to end persecution of smokers then he will never get my support.

I'm sick of smokers and their representatives being frozen out of all negotiations. Permitted lip service to keep us quiet from Govt representatives like Karl and Philip is simply not enough. Tolerance or war - nothing between.