Friday, October 1, 2010


After pulling a photo of the delectable Debs from the internet the other day, it made me wonder what sort of images of me might be floating around.

A quick google later and I'm a bit confused about who I am

Taken from this site I thought this one above is probably how most antis think smokers look aged 25. It's not me but might be when I'm 96.

THIS little cutie above shows I do have a soft and cuddly side ... but watch out because I do have my bad days as illustrated Below

Definitely not me below but I guess the nurse connection has something to do with it

Errrm, no. My kids weren't born by immaculate conception and I'm no saint.

Sorry to disappoint here too. There's a video that goes with this but I didn't think it would be my cup of tea.

Well, I can be romantic when the fancy takes me although I gave up Mills and Boon in the early 1980s.

The real me is hidden away in the mass of photos that came up when I typed in "pat nurse images" and quite a lot of them are health related, ironically. But this one below did bring me back to this blog and reality. It's taken from here.

Ho hum, there's an hour wasted on this self indulgence. I'm off to make a cup of tea. Back soon with something more serious.