Thursday, October 14, 2010


I've just had time to watch this video posted on this excellent post by Leg iron.

I echo his words and rallying cry : "We are fighting a war in which we cannot lose any more. So take off the gloves, forget compromise, and light up the tabs of war."

My favourite part about the voice over comedy on this vid is "I would quit if I didn't think I'd become one of them."

And remember, if you support the ban, you are supporting the same kind of hate that led to the murder of millions of Jews and other "undesirables". When we can all choose to socialise in either smoking or non-smoking places, is it really worth supporting a ban that takes us socially backward, promotes intolerance, and legalises discrimination.

If you do support this, then you are less than human so please don't pretend to care about people to hide your hatred of a minority group. Hatred of smoking and smokers is the most selfish obsession in the world.

You only have to read through the comments on David Nuttall's blog to realise that anti-smokers are mentally unbalanced and filthy people.

They don't, apparently, wash their clothes unless near a smoker. I wouldn't want to stand near them now smoking is banned in pubs and other places. They don't wash themselves or their clothes anymore and seem to be happy lounging in their own scum. They must stink of BO and other horrible things which is part of the reason why pubs are no longer a pleasure to visit.

The anti-smokers and health phobics (we used to call them hypochondriacs years ago) make the place stink with their own self righteousness and lack of personal hygiene.