Wednesday, October 20, 2010


It doesn't matter what it calls itself or what name we know it by, but today's Government has shown itself to be exactly as we had before.

These CUTS sound very much like they came straight from the economic mouth of NuLab. They had to if unproven green issues come before people and economics, and other countries' needs come before our own.

It seems as if nanny is still in control. After all, what use of this database if it's not for our own good? I'm sure that was a NuLab idea as well wasn't it?

And then there's the NuLab control freakery idea of keeping tabs on everything you do by spying on your own private emails. Nanny says this has to be done because the nasty terrorists are after us. I'm sure the spam messages that get through to my inbox about penis extensions are vital evidence in the war on terror so perhaps I shouldn't complain.

If you're on Facebook, you can join the email May Day. I remember when the group was called "cc all your emails to Home Secretary Jacqui Smith."

Yup. The "Coalition" is same government as we had last time. I could have sworn we had an election but then I forgot that we now live in a dictatorship.It doesn't matter what party gets the majority vote, the Govt always wins. Democracy is dead in Britain.