Sunday, October 17, 2010


I am none of these things so stop denormalising me. This is a programme that aims to encourage hatred against smokers - a minority group and all it's about is fat cats getting rich on the misery of others.

Wasn't "denormalisation" by another name what the Nazis used to make the majority believe that Jews were sub-human beings,.

Sorry for those of you who believe that smokers are less human than Jews and are offended that we complain about where the Govt backed hatred of smokers is leading but when we are promoted as ...

Smokers as malodourous
Smokers as litterers
Smokers as unattractive and undesirable housemates
Smokers as undereducated and a social underclass
Smokers as excessive users of public health services
Smokers as employer liabilities

...then perhaps you can see where this anger and fear of the future as a dedicated,lifelong and cultural smoker comes from.

Denormalisation should be illegal. Why is our Govt and our countrymen not standing up for us against this programme? Those of you who are fat or like an alcoholic drink will be next and then what? Denormalisation of those who have dark hair, dark eyes, and as far from Arian looking as Romanian Gypsies?

FFS - Wake up! This must stop. This is THE most important issue this century.