Monday, October 18, 2010


Grrrrr - THIS has got me raging today.

The woman who is paying addicts £200 at the most desperate times of their lives justifies it because she has adopted children of addicts. Sanctimonious bitch. There is simply one problem with drug addiction - it is a criminal offence. If it were not, the whole issue could be dealt with adequately. Hell - look what they've done to smoking - a legal but unpopular herb which has dramatic quit rates.

Decriminalise drugs, run an education (not lying) programme alongside it and use the waste of time currently used in schools scaring kids to death with tales of doom if they don't eat properly.

In short, take away the market that this horrible woman who set up this charity plans to get rich on by telling those with the lowest of low self esteem that they will NEVER be good enough to have children.

At least the british media doesn't seem to have jumped on the bandwaggon here and is urging caution. At least they have some balance. At least drug charity Addaction has slammed the idea as exploitation. Hallelujah for that!