Friday, September 30, 2011


I had a few things on my mind that I intended to blog about here and then the sun came out and pushed politics to the back of my mind.

Unlike Leg Iron, I'm not too hot. I'm loving it. Heat makes me active. I've been walking in the Lincolnshire Wolds. I saw the sun rise for the first time in ages yesterday, and the long overdue garden tidying up, pruning and weeding, was done.

Temperatures must have been between 28 - 30 and this evening was clear and warm. I looked up at the stars and just appreciated the power of it all. I reckon the most arrogant thing about some humans is their belief that they can control nature and prevent it's worst.

I heard Caroline Flint on Question Time last night, for example, banging on about how the idea of an 80mph speed limit on British roads needs careful thought because of the damaging environmental factors like burning more fuel.

Thinking that by changing lives in small ways can somehow collectively save the earth seems to me to be like a sacrifice made to the God of Destruction hoping that he will be gentle with us if this climate change apocalypse is inevitable. If Nature decides that it is, then there nothing that we mere mortals - however "expert" we are - can do about it.

This beautiful autumnal last sigh of the summer we saw too little of this year feels like a blessing from the Gods and I'm determined to make the most of it before Sunday when, I'm told, the rain, cold and grey skies return. There will be plenty of those days to come until next year so for now I'll just make the most of this while it lasts.